You won't find answers to life's more pressing questions but you'll find some of the most commonly asked questions as it relates to this app. Reach out if you don't find the answers to your questions here.
Why do you need Memento?
Memento caret
Memento is a personal contact manager and a digital business card all in one app. You can manage all of your contact details and digital business cards from one location. You can add notes to track important details for each contact, create reminders, and create a personalized digital business card to share with anyone. People can then connect with you through through the same business card link. It's an easy way to manage and expand your contact network.
How secure is my data?
Memento caret
Naturally, securing your data is of the utmost importance to us. We use Google Cloud to store your data, so you can be sure it is well protected by world-class security standards. In addition, we used the best industry security practices to build Memento. If you suspect any security issues, we encourage you to contact us at support@mementocrm.com.
Do you sell or share my data with anyone?
Memento caret
No. We will never share any of your data with anyone. For more details, read our privacy policy document to understand how we track certain data for customer support and to improve the product.
Can I cancel the payment anytime?
Memento caret
Cancel at any time. Your subscription will end at the beginning of the next billing cycle.
Can I switch plans?
Memento caret
Yes. You can upgrade and downgrade at any time. Your plan is updated at the end of each billing cycle.
Is the app available for web?
Memento caret
The app is currently available on Android and iPhone. The business card profile is also available on the web. A full feature web version is on the roadmap as well as many other features.
Which services can I import my contacts from?
Memento caret
You can import your contacts from your phone address book, Google Contacts. LinkedIn, Twitter, Outlook, other services and manual import coming soon.
Is there a web version available of this app?
Memento caret
The app is available both on Android and iOS. You can also view your business card on the web browser. A web version of this app and other features are on the roadmap.
What happens if I delete my account permanently?
Memento caret
We get it, sometimes things don't work out. You can delete your account permanently at any time. All of the information you stored in our services and data sources such as databases will be deleted completely. You cannot recover this data and this action is not reversible. It’s highly recommended that you export your data first before deleting. BTW, exporting your data it's easy, you can do that through settings.
Can I restore my account if I delete it?
Memento caret
No. Once you delete your account, that action is irreversible. You’ll have to sign up, re-populate any contacts you already added and sync any services to the app all over again.
What happens if I lose my device, can I restore my account with another?
Memento caret
Yes. You can download the App again, sign-in with your credentials and your data will appear in the new device.
If I have any questions about the Memento App, is there any way to contact support?
Memento caret
Yes, we welcome any questions or feedback you might have about Memento. Please send it to support@mementocrm.com
Can I export my data and create a backup? 
Memento caret
You can export your data at any time. It is sent to the email you used to create an account. We will send you VFC and CSV files. You can use those files to have a backup of your data or import it to other services.
Can I share my digital business card using Near Field Technology (NFC)? 
Memento caret
Yes. We provide a very easy way to write your digital business card to any NFC device.
Why do you show Aliens on the app?
Memento caret
Because we'd like to think we're not alone.