The last business card you'll need

Memento makes it easy to create and share your digital business card. Networking modernized. Get started for FREE.
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Memento business card web view

Make it yours

Memento allows you to easily create a custom digital business card and share it with anyone in more ways than you are able to share a physical business card.

You’ll never need to buy or print an old fashion business card again.  In addition, memento costs less than what you’d pay for a physical business card.
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Take networking to the next level with NFC cards

NFC Cards are a convenient way to share your digital business card contactless, without having to pull our your phone.

We offer customizable NFC cards to match your design style or brand identity.

More coming soon...
Memento NFC cards
Memento NFC, QR Code business card sharing

Share in various ways

Share your card contactless via QR code, web link, a Near Field Communication (NFC) device, and as a Virtual Contact Card File (VCF).  

You can easily send your card via SMS or Email too.
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Expand your network

When you share your business card profile with someone, they can send you their contact details via the same link. Memento will notify you and let you view the details of the person who wants to connect with you. You can either accept or decline their invitation to retain their contact details. Once you accept, Memento will automatically group each new connection in a "Business Card" group, making easier for you to track new contacts or leads.
Memento makes it easy to stay organized and manage your network. But it doesn't end there. You can create reminders to follow up at a later date or add notes to capture additional details. Additionally, you can send these contacts to other CRM services via Zapier in case you need to have these contacts present elsewhere.
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Memento lead collection form

Do even more

Want to create a follow up reminder?  You can do that and more.

Setup follow up reminders

With Memento, you can set up follow-up reminders for any of your contacts.  This is helpful when you want to set-up a reminder to follow up right after you've met someone for the first time or after a meeting.
Memento reminders

Capture important details

With Memento you can capture quick notes for any of your contacts so you'll never forget important details.  You can tag a contact on a note and create a reminder from a note. This is helpful if you want to turn notes into reminders.
Memento notes

Auto organize business card invites

Memento auto organizes all the contacts who shared their business card with you. This helps you review all of the people who have shared their contact information with you through the lead intake form. You can even send them an text or email collectively to follow up.
Memento grouping

Integrate with over 5000+ apps

You can export your Memento contacts to over 5000 other services like Salesforce, Hubspot, Outlook and many others with Zapier. This is helpful if you use other CRMs to keep track of specific contacts.
Memento zapier integration